Need an NYC Apartment for August 1st? We Can Help!

Need an NYC Apartment for August 1st? We Can Help!

You're not alone if you need to rent an apartment in New York City in time for an 8/1 move-in. The second-busiest month of the year for rentals, summertime presents many challenges to those seeking places to live. Many schools start up again this month, prompting students to descend upon the city to square away a property beforehand. Many leases expire this month, so there are usually tons of listings. With so much competition, though, few last for too long. To top it all off, this is among the priciest times to sign a lease.

Renting homes this month can be daunting, but it's doable – especially when you connect with the experts at BCP Real Estate Group. From our offices at Rockefeller Center, we offer a robust array of resources for busy urbanites seeking NYC rentals. Sign up via our website for free, instant access to our up-to-the-second NYC rental listings to get started. From there, browse our website to get up to speed on popular rental options, including doorman buildings, co-ops, luxury towers and more. Later, contact us for a referral to a broker servicing the neighborhoods you want. With their help, you'll be on your way to renting a place for 8/1 in no time.

The August Rental Scene in NYC

Besides September, August is the busiest month to find a listing. People descend upon the rental market from around the world to vie for the best options. Many colleges and universities, including Columbia and NYU, start classes this month, so the city becomes flooded with students seeking affordable and convenient housing. Since landlords have no trouble finding tenants at all, they tend to charge more and are less motivated to offer money-saving concessions.

Remember to be patient and flexible if you absolutely must look for a listing for an 8/1 move-in. It won't be easy, but there are some upsides, including the following:

The biggest downside to looking for a place to rent this time of year is how busy things are. No matter how you go about it, finding a rental for an 8/1 move-in will be challenging. Some especially notable downsides include the following:


As daunting as it may be to find homes, it's still possible. Keep these tips in mind to enjoy smoother sailing through the process:

How BCP Real Estate Group Can Help

Don't go it alone when seeking properties for rent in August. If you need to secure a place in time for an 8/1 move-in, it's essential to have useful resources and information at your disposal. Searching our listings is a great first step; you can access them right away via our website. Our site also features in-depth articles with tips for NYC home hunters. When you're ready to check out places in person, contact us for a referral to a talented and experienced broker in your desired neighborhood. In no time, you'll be on your way to renting a great place. For more information, please give us a call anytime.